$236,492 Donated To Our Non-Profit Partners!

From the start, we at Cape Clasp have been passionate about the conservation and protection of our oceans and both the animals and organisms that call it home. With that, we’re also committed to partnering with nonprofit organizations that share that same drive. Which is why we are so excited to announce our partnership with Saving the Blue on our latest ring design, the Whale Shark Ring.

Saving the Blue (STB) is a nonprofit organization that works in Andros, Bahamas that aims to recover and restore a variety of threatened marine species, including sharks, while connecting people to ocean wildlife. They also aim to promote green, sustainable living through education and outreach both in person and online. 

With more than a couple missions, Saving the Blue gives everyone a chance to get involved through charitable donations, joining in an expedition, adopting a shark or ray, or taking part in other educational opportunities. The success that has been found at STB is what drives them to keep pushing forward on their five established missions: 

MISSION A: To conduct scientific research that advances our understanding of the biology and ecology of marine organisms, particularly threatened elasmobranch fishes. 

This research often includes a scientific expedition where one of Saving the Blue’s scientists lead a team out into the waters surrounding Andros, Bahamas. From there, the team will observe, tag and gather data from a variety of elasmobranch fishes (sharks, rays, skates, and sawfish). Read about their latest expeditions here!

Annie Tagging Shark
STB President, Annie Guttridge working with a shark.

MISSION B: To provide scientific data to stakeholders to promote conservation initiatives improving the management and protection of imperiled marine species. 

Researching and studying sharks and rays around Andros, Bahamas, STB is able to collect information on the habits they use, the prey they feed on and the interactions they have with other species. All of this research allows them to predict future consequences of overfishing and global warming and bring it to the forefront to promote conservation initiatives with the help of stakeholders.

MISSION C: To provide creative educational opportunities in marine science to the public, including experiential and instructional programs to the internal community, with special attention to minority groups, youth, service members, and veterans and their families. 

Over the past few years Saving the Blue has had the opportunity to bring a variety of people from all walks of life, onto and into the ocean on scientific expeditions. Bahamians, like so many people in the world, are typically afraid of sharks, with many unable to swim well in the open ocean. That’s where STB steps in to safely introduce or further their skills at sea. STB has had many successful expeditions to date, with people from all backgrounds and of all ages.

MISSION D: To educate the public by teaching the benefits of green living, including reusable alternatives, environmentally friendly and marine-safe choices, waste reduction, resource utilization and healthy living. 

STB distributed bamboo toothbrushes to each student at a local primary school along with an educational experience. They discussed the importance of eco-friendly, biodegradable materials and how to make the switch to these more sustainable options when possible! 

STB in Classroom
STB team teaching in local Bahamian school.

MISSION E: To foster community engagement in marine conservation through outreach, education, instructional programs, and interactive opportunities to improve knowledge and understanding and to promote well-informed decisions and actions. 

The nonprofit collaborated with BAMSI (Bahamas Agriculture and Marine Science Institute) to give students an experience day. Allowing each student to assist with setting and checking equipment, and also help with processing the sharks caught! Leaving students with firsthand shark experience and a longstanding partnership between Saving the Blue and BAMSI. 

We are so inspired by the continued success that STB has had with all of their missions. Their future plans to ‘be the change’ are not only impacting the community of Andros, Bahamas for the better but also the world of ocean and marine life conservation. 


Shop the new Whale Shark Ring where 15% of the proceeds go directly to supporting Save the Blue. Wear this ring as a daily reminder of the important role we all play in protecting the future of these gentle giants. 


Whale Shark Ring


  • Donate here to Saving the Blue, small or large, every donation supports their efforts.
  • Expeditions are open to everyone, at all levels as long as you can swim. Reserve your spot on the next trip! 
  • Interested in adopting a shark or ray? STB tags sharks and rays with a PIT tag, which are scannable when recaptured by researchers and scientists - where you can then be notified about their whereabouts!

Listen to our podcast episode where we interview underwater photographer, diver and President of Saving the Blue, Annie Guttridge, about her story and what fuels her passion for protecting sharks. 


Be sure to check out our other amazing Partners on our new and improved Partners page for more information about the nonprofits we are so honored to be able to support!